மீன்வள ஆராய்ச்சி இதழ்


Effect of chemical shock (hydrogen peroxide) on the hatching rate of eggs, survival and growth performance of african cat fish (Clarias gariepinus).

Apollos T Garba*, Abigail E, Valdon SB, Peter KJ and Duwal SD

Effect of chemical shock on hatchability, survival and growth performance of African catfish was studied in Adamawa State University Teaching and Research Fish Farm Mubi. Five (5) ripe brooders were purchased from Abdulfana fish Farm in Yola. The brood stocks were transported in 50 litres plastic cans, on arrival they were given salt bath at 5% for 5 minutes and conditioned for one week. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used for the research for a period of six weeks in the hatchery. Chemical shock (Hydrogen peroxide) at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% concentration was applied on the estimated 408 fertilized eggs for all the treatments except the control. Hydrogen peroxide at 0.3% concentration on fertilized eggs exposed for 10 minutes gave the highest hatchability of 62.25%. While chemical shock of 0.2% concentration for 10 minutes gave the least value 34.83% as presented. Twenty fingerlings from each treatment and control were set, replicated in triplicate and reared in the outdoor concrete tanks for another 24 weeks. The chemical shocked fry as well as the control were nursed and reared under same culture conditions. The feeding and water quality parameters were maintained within the optimum culture ranges. At the end of 24 weeks of the research, analysis of the results showed that there were significant differences (P<0.05) in the hatchability of eggs, survival rate, and growth performance among the control and chemically treated fry. The experiment revealed that Methylated spirit can be used at low concentration for 10–15 minutes to improve the hatchability of Clarias gariepinus eggs after fertilization.