நுண்ணுயிரியல்: தற்போதைய ஆராய்ச்சி


The use of fungi in medical mycology in the US, Britain and Japan

David LHomei

There are two types of variables in statistical modeling. The first type is categorical (e.g., sex, group, condition), and its possible categories are treated as the levels of a factor. The other type is quantitative, in which numerical values represent measurements. Sometimes a variable can be treated one way or another depending on the research focus and hypothesis. For example, when a group of subjects are scanned once during each of five consecutive years, the five time points can be modeled as a factor with 5 levels when the differences among them, irrespective of order, are This paper endeavors to carry new experiences to a long-standing recorded banter over clinical specialization by breaking down the arrangement of clinical mycology, a fairly minimal biomedical discipline that arose during the 20th century around investigations of contagious illness in people. The investigation of organisms originates before that of microorganisms and infections, yet from the 1880s it became obscured by bacteriology. Nonetheless, in the after war period, there were moves to lay out clinical mycology as a free claim to fame. I follow the cycles that prompted the send-off of expert social orders in the United States, Britain and Japan, three key part in clinical mycology, and all the more comprehensively in biomedicine. The examination of the three different public settings outlines how geological, medico-mechanical, epidemiological, political and social circumstances gave the specialty an unmistakable person in every country; this was additionally confounded by the unique and changing clinical fields where contagious infections were considered and treated. The three contextual investigations show clinical specialization as a cycle that isn't just aggregate however answers explicit authentic occasions and improvements