உணவு ஊட்டச்சத்து மற்றும் ஆரோக்கியத்தின் இதழ்


A mini review on safety of food in kitchens at home.

Leon Matteo

Despite the fact that foodborne ailment is preventable, in excess of 56,000 individuals each year become sick in the U.S., making high monetary expenses, loss of efficiency and decreased personal satisfaction for some. Specialists concur that the house is the essential place where foodborne episodes happen; in any case, numerous purchasers don't trust the home to be a hazardous spot. Medical care experts should know about buyers' food handling mentalities and ways of behaving in the home and convey custom fitted sanitation mediations that are hypothesis based. Consequently, the reason for this paper is to incorporate/sum up the sanitation writing by analyzing coming up next: purchasers' discernments and mentalities towards food handling and their vulnerability to foodborne ailment in the home, work, and school; normal dangerous food handling practices and boundaries to taking care of food securely; and the utilization of hypothesis based food handling intercessions. Discoveries will assist medical care experts with turning out to be more mindful of buyers' sanitation perspectives and ways of behaving and illuminate future food handling mediations.