A novel approach for new-born authentication and verification using multibiometric features
Madhu M, Moorthi M, Sathishkumar S, Vimalagopalan TS
In this paper a novel approach for new born babies authentication and verification are done using multibiometric features, which are, mother’s fingerprint and baby’s foot print. The decision on recognition is done taken on fusion in which the feature vectors are extracted for query images independently, at matching score level, and are then compared to the database templates for each biometric trait. Based on the proximity of feature vector and template, each of the subsystem computes its own matching score. These individual scores are further combined together as a total score and are passed to the decision module. Thus, the multimodal system is proposed through finger and foot print fusion and recognition. The system proposed is tested using database images collected which comprise of different mother’s fingerprints and babies’ footprints. The overall system accuracy is found to be 96% with 0.001% and 1.23% false match rate and false non match rate respectively.