Assessment of pain by a new Turkish scale (P-FIBS) in an example of cancer patients
Haluk Mergen, Kagan Cevik, Berna Erdogmus Mergen
Background: Pain is a very frequent symptom of acute burden towards the body. Pain is frequently seen among most cancer patients.
Objectives: In this study, we aimed to present a Pain Frequency Intensity and Burden Scale (P-FIBS) in Turkish.
Setting: 138 cancer patients who applied to Saglik Bilimleri University, Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, Oncology Outpatient Clinic were included in the study between Jan and Mar 2016.
Materials and Method: The participants completed the sociodemographic form, VAS, SFMPQ and PFIBS. The Cronbach α and fit indexes were calculated.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 52.02 ± 8.46. 71.7% of the patients were female, 28.1% were men. The mean VAS score was 3.56 ± 23.17; the mean SF-MPQ score was 9.64 ± 8.34, and the mean PFIBS was 12.67 ± 8.35. The Cronbach α of the P-FIBS was 0.889. The item-total item correlation coefficient (r) was 0.77. Firstly, the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Cmin=1.283, df=2, Cmin/df=0.641, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI)=0.995, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index GFI (AGFI)=0.977, RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation)=0.000, which reflected perfect fitness among Turkish cancer patients, were measured.
Limitations: The number of participants could be more increased but the fit indexes were excellent for our sample.
Conclusions: In a study conducted previously in Turkey, the general pain average was 63.7%. In our study, this ratio was found as 99.93% for VAS, 95.7% for SF-MPQ and 97.1% for P-FIBS. It stems from the characteristics of the study population. Our study (P-FIBS) is the first study conducted among cancer patients in the world and has a good internal reliability and validity. In Moroccan, Persian and British studies conducted with SF-MPQ, the descriptors were equal to ours.