Assessment of the antioxidant activity of parsley and carob in hypercholesterolemic male rats
Madeha N. Al-Seeni, Haddad A. El Rabey, Habibah Al-Ghamdi, Abdulbasit I. Al-Sieni, Mohamed I. Sakran, Ghena M. Mohammed
Herbal antioxidants have been successfully used to reduce oxidative stress and treat many diseases such as diabetes, obesity and coronary heart diseases. The antioxidant activity of the methanolic extract of carob legume and parsley seed was evaluated in hypercholesterolemic male rats in a study conducted for 8 w. 24 male rats were randomly divided into four 6-rat groups. The 1st group (G1) was fed fat rich diet, the 2nd group (G2) was the hypercholesterolemic positive group fed 2% cholesterol in the fat rich diet, and the 3rd (G3) and the 4th (G4) groups were supplemented with 2% cholesterol in the fat rich diet as in G2 and co-treated with 20 mg/Kg bw parsley seeds methanol extract and carob legume methanol extract, respectively. The G2 hypercholesterolemic rats showed significant increase in serum lipid peroxidation and kidney function, and decrease in antioxidants. While the methanolic extract of parsley and carob extract in G3 and G4, respectively significantly decreased lipid peroxidation and kidney functions, and increased antioxidants. In conclusion, the methanolic extracts of both parsley and carob have an antioxidant activity and a protective effect against oxidative stress. The methanolic extract of parsley seed appeared more efficient than that of carob legumes.