Prevalence of dental abnormalities in different calcium metabolism disorders in a group of Iranian children
Reyhaneh Mohsenipour, Ali Mohebi, Parastoo Rostami, Arash Fallahi, Parisa Rahmani
Aim: Calcium metabolism disorders trigger to enhanced level (hypercalcemia) or lower level (hypocalcemia) of calcium. These alterations in calcium level leads to accumulation of poorly mineralized bone and dental abnormalities. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of dental abnormalities including taurodontism, enamel hypoplasia, dental abscess, dental caries, delayed teething, gingivitis in children with calcium metabolism disorders.
Design: Patients, who were suffering from calcium metabolism disorders, including renal osteodystrophy, hypoparathyroidism, and different types of rickets, participated in this study. All of them transferred into dental clinic of Children’s Medical Center to pass dental exams and preparing OPG images if it was necessary. Also, prior patient’s files were used; their demographic information and dental problems were recorded on designed checklists.
Results: We found that dental caries and delayed teething are the dominant abnormalities that are prevalent among patients with nutritional rickets and renal osteodystrophy.
Conclusions: According to the results these disorders are associated with vitamin D deficiency; it seems that treatment with supplements of vitamin D might be efficient method to prevent dental abnormalities.