Analytical Chemistry 2018-oriented immobilization of antibodies on the electrode surface for improving the analytical characteristics of electrochemical immunosensors- Kozitsina A- Ural Federal University
Asia Chemistry 2017: Sensitized NIR luminescence of lanthanide(III) (Ln=Pr, Nd, Ho, Er, Tm) complexes with mixed Schiff base and ligand- Minkyu Park -Yeungnam University
Analytica-2015 : Assessment of cytotoxic and endocrine potential of selected xenobiotics commonly present in food products - Katarzyna Owczarek - Gdansk University
Analytical-2016 : Utility of hair like microsampling for rodent pharmacokinetic considers: Comparison of tail-vein seeps to jugular vein cannula testing-J Wang- Sanofi Genzyme
Analytical Chemistry 2018: Challenges and considerations for quantitative analysis of cholesterol precursors and metabolites in human plasma by lc-ms/ms methodology-Yong-Xi Li-Medpace Bioanalytical Laboratories